Spring cleaning is a fantastic push to go through and get rid of a ton of things you no longer use. With the seasons changing, it is the perfect time to reorganize your home and better utilize the space that you have. We've collaborated with local organization expert, Destination Organization, in order to provide you with the best tips and tricks when it comes to organization during changing seasons and cleaning out clutter. Check them out below!
Seasonal Clothes Storage - Time to Rotate!

Each spring and fall, Chicago weather gets a little schizophrenic. You never know if you’re going to wake up to snow or 80 degrees! How do we handle the kids’ wardrobes during this time of transition? Seasonal clothes storage is a great option to manage your kids’ wardrobes. Below are a few simple steps. Keep in mind that most of these steps can apply to your wardrobe as well! And remember to rotate coats too. I suggest keeping the bare minimum of winter, fall, and light spring coats readily available during the transition month then…We can do a full-scale wardrobe rotation and purge.

Grab several large plastic bags for donations
Sort through every seasonal item (fall/winter if it’s spring, spring/summer if it’s fall), including coats, hats, boots and shoes, and create piles for the following:
In poor condition (garbage)
Does not fit/will not fit next season/child doesn’t like it
Will fit a sibling in the future. Further sort by sex and size
Will fit the same child in fall and is in style. Further sort these by child
Donate “2” to those who truly NEED more clothes
Pack away seasonal clothes storage items from “3” and “4”. Be sure to label the container by child, size and season and store them in a non-prime real estate area. Some options are: basement storage, attic, top shelf of a closet, and under beds. While you’re at it, if the sports in your house rotate seasonally also, take time to donate the items that no longer fit or for sports nobody is playing anymore. Store the remaining seasonal sports items in a labeled container
Have your kids pick a couple off-season items to have handy in case of a sudden unseasonable day
Bring out the next season clothes and organize them in the dressers and closets

I highly suggest getting your kids involved in the process. They need to learn how to manage their things and getting hands-on experience is the best way! They will learn the process of how to organize anything and will learn that people cannot hold on to everything they ever owned for the rest of their lives. Not only that, but you’ll get more buy-in from them if they take part in the decision-making process and less resentment for ditching their stuff.
If you’re struggling with getting started, make a commitment to yourself by writing an appointment on your calendar to tackle your seasonal clothes storage project. I also suggest getting some motivating music going or asking a friend to join you so you have companionship. In addition, I always recommend to my clients to reward themselves for reaching a goal or crossing something off the task list. Once you get through the project, what will be your reward?
Messy Drawers? – How to organize your junk drawer!

Clear the Junk From the Any Drawer in 4 Easy Steps:
Feeling overwhelmed by your clutter and don’t know where to start? Break the big job into small, 30-minute projects like a single drawer to conquer and see how it motivates you to continue on with your organizing! Many of my clients get inspiration from completing one small project! You can also try setting a timer for 20-30 minutes and make the task a time challenge to make it more interesting.
Here are 4 steps to clearing the junk from the “junk drawer” –
1. Empty the contents of the drawer on a table or counter located by the drawer.
2. Sort all the items in the drawer into like categories.
You’ll likely find categories like these: batteries, cutting tools, measuring tools, pens, pencils, adhesives, paper, tools, garbage, recycling, goes somewhere else in the house. Try to avoid the miscellaneous category. Miscellaneous only opens the door for random clutter to be dumped. Set aside the stuff that belongs somewhere else in the house. You’ll put this away when you’re done
3. Find or buy drawer organizing containers that will fit your categories.

Try using check book boxes and other small boxes you have on hand. The boxes need to fit in your drawer so if you’re heading out to buy some, measure your drawer first. Next, fill the containers, label them and arrange them in the drawer. Labeling is important because it erases any ambiguity as to what should be in the container!
4. If you still have more stuff than can comfortably fit in the drawer, you’ll need to purge further.
Ask yourself which items actually get used often and are convenient to have in this drawer. Ask yourself how many of each item do you really need handy. Thirty pens? Probably not! If the items don’t meet the criteria, store them somewhere else or donate them. Try this method on any drawer in your home or office and let us know how it worked!

What’s your junk drawer look like? Is it functional?
What other area can you tackle today in just 30 minutes? One table top? One drawer?
Projects can seem overwhelming at first when we look at them as a whole, but once they are broken down into individual tasks, they become a lot more manageable, and we are motivated to check them off one at a time. Start today simply by accomplishing one small task, and see how much you accomplish. For more organization tips and tricks, visit Destination Organization's website here!
~This blog was brought to you by S. Donnelly Interiors and Destination Organization. Learn more about the interior design project process by following Stephanie Donnelly and her interior design services in Glen Ellyn, Illinois and the surrounding areas!